

また、ユネスコ・アジア太平洋文化センター (ACCU)など他機関が行う文化財関連の国際貢献事業にも協力しています。

  • ①中国社会科学院との古代都城の比較を軸とした共同研究
  • ②中国河南省文物考古研究院との窯跡遺跡出土遺物等の共同研究
  • ③中国遼寧省文物考古研究院との三燕文化遺物の共同研究
  • ④韓国国立文化財研究所との日韓古代文化の形成と発展に関する共同研究及び発掘調査交流
  • ⑤カンボジア・アンコール・シェムリアップ地域文化財保護管理機構(APSARA)と連携した西トップ遺跡における研究調査・保存修復及び人材育成事業
  • ⑥英国セインズベリー日本藝術研究所と連携した、 オンラインリソースや出版物を通じた日本考古学の国際的発信




International academic exchange for the preservation of cultural properties

The Nara Institute of Cultural Properties continues to carry out international exchange and cooperative projects. Our activities cover areas such as: academic exchange; joint research;the exchange of experts; conservation; support and training of specialized knowledge and technology; and, the International Cooperation in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage Project, commissioned by the Agency for Cultural Affairs. We also collaborate on many international projects relating to cultural properties which are conducted by other institutions, such as the UNESCO Center for Asia-Pacific Culture (ACCU).

Our main activities currently are as follows:

  • 1. Researching remains of ancient palaces across East Asia in association with the Chinese Academy of Social Science, China.
  • 2. Researching shards of Sansai (three color glaze) wares unearthed from kiln sites in association with the Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology, China.
  • 3. Researching artifacts of the Sanyan culture (the three Yan states) in association with the Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of Liaoning Province, China.
  • 4. Researching the formation and development process of ancient cultures in Japan and Korea in association with the National Research Institute of Cultural Properties of Korea, Korea.
  • 5. The research, restoration and capacity development in conservation at Western Prasat Top, Cambodia, in association with the APSARA (Authority for the Protection of the Site and Management of the Region of Angkor), Cambodia.

    Project blog URL: https://www.nabunken.go.jp/nabunkenblog/cat112/

  • 6. The international dissemination of Japanese archeology through online resources and publications in association with the SISJAC (Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures), United Kingdom.
  • 7. Cooperation in capacity development within the projects of Networking Core Centers for International Cooperation on Conservation of Cultural Heritage.
    The Institute has been entrusted by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of the government of Japan to conduct exchange projects with the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan
