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Akisato Ritō

Akisato Ritō

A poet and writer who lived in Kyoto in the mid to late Edo period. Dates of birth and death are unknown. His books Miyako meisho zue (Pictorial guide to scenic spots in Kyoto) (1780) and Miyako rinsen meishō zue (Pictorial guide to gardens in Kyoto) (1799) were extremely popular. He contributed to the spread of skills in garden construction through the publication of Ishigumisonō yaegakiden (Garden stones and hedges) (1827), Tsukiyamateizōden kōhen) (Hill garden construction, part 2) (1828), and other books on gardening.

Japanese Garden Dictionary: A Glossary for Japanese Gardens and Their History
(C) 2010 by Ono Kenkichi and Walter Edwards. All rights reserved.