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Japanese Garden Dictionary

A Glossary for Japanese Gardens and Their History

Compiled and Edited by ONO Kenkichi and Walter EDWARDS

This online dictionary is based on the Bilingual [Japanese & English] Dictionary of Japanese Garden Terms, published in 2001 as the result of a project conducted under the auspices of a Ministry of Education Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (category: “Basic Research 'C2'”; No.10660040). The beneficiaries of this grant were ONO Kenkichi (Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, as Project Director) and Walter EDWARDS (then of Tenri University, as Project Member).

Portions of that work were subsequently incorporated by Ono Kenkichi in a Japanese language publication, Nihon teien jiten (Iwanami Shoten, 2004).

This online compilation, maintained by the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, is intended to make the English language content of the original dictionary more widely accessible.

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Japanese Garden Dictionary: A Glossary for Japanese Gardens and Their History
(C) 2010 by Ono Kenkichi and Walter Edwards. All rights reserved.