Historical Materials No.13


 This is the fourth volume of the ‘Compiled Records of Restoration from the File of the Nihon Bijutsu-in Workshop’, including records of the repair-jobs of 65 sculptures located in the Nara area, registered by Japanese government as Important Cultural Properties. The Nara National Research Institute of Cultural Properties owns records of the repair-jobs which were carried out by the Nihon Bijutsu-in on more than 1,000 registered sculptures during the period of 1900-1944.

 The Nihon Bijutsu-in has long been the only organization of professional restorers in the country, activities of which have so much to do with the history of national protection of cultural properties. Records of their repair-jobs are valuable research materials on Japanese sculpture, since they consist of detailed descriptions, drawings and photographs before and after the restoration. Our Institute plans to publish those records in series so that the records could be available to scholars and students who are interested in the study of Japanese sculpture.


March 31, 1978

The Nara National Research Institute of Cultural Properties



◎ 1. Kannon Bosatsu named Kudara Kannon (Avalokitesvara).

Wood.       Height 209.4cm.

◎ 2. Kannon Bosatsu (Avalokitesvara).

Wood.       Height 178.8cm.               Yumedono

◎ 3. Four Gardian Kings.

Wood.       Height 133.3~134.8cm.                 Kondo

4. Kannon Bosatsu (Avalokitesvara).

Wood.       Height 165.2cm.

5. Priest Kanroku (attributed).

Wood.       Height 90.6cm.

◎ 6. Yakushi Nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru) and two Attendants.

Wood.       Height Y 247.2cm. A 172.1cm.                     Kodo

7. Bon Ten (Brahma). Taishaku Ten (Indra).

Clay.          Height B 110.2cm. T 109.5cm.                     Jikido

8. Yakushi Nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru).

Clay.          Height 60.9cm.

◎ 9. Priest Dosen.

Clay.          Height 88.2cm.                 Yumedono

10. Four Gardian Kings.

Wood.       Height 167.2~173.5cm.                 Kaminodo

11. Bon Ten (Brahma). Taishaku Ten (Indra).

Wood.        Height B 161.4cm. T161.5cm.

◎ 12. Yakushi Nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru).

Dry-lacquer.            Height 244.5cm.               Saiendo

◎ 13. Jizo Bosatsu (Ksitigarbha).

Wood.       Height 172.7cm.

14. Yakushi Nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru) and two Attendants.

Wood.        Height Y 85.5cm. A 103.0·104.7cm.            Shindo

15. Four Gardian Kings.

Wood.       Height 109.2 110.5cm.                   Shindo

16. Amida Nyorai (Amitabha) and two Attendants.

Dry-lacquer.            Height Am 119.0cm At 157.1·159.0cm.       Shindo

17. Amida Nyorai (Amitabha) and two Attendants.

Dry-lacquer.            Height Am 120.2cm. At 157.3·160.0cm       Denpodo

18. Amida Nyorai (Amitabha).

Dry-lacquer.            Height 87.7cm.

19. Kannon Bosatsu (Avalokitesvara). Sei-shi Bosatsu (Mahasthamaprapta).

Dry-lacquer.            Height K 127.3cm. S 118.8cm.

20. Four Gardian Kings.

Clay.          Height 91.4~95.1cm.

21. Amida Nyorai (Amitabha).

Wood.       Height 79.9cm.

22. Miroku Bosatsu (Maitreya).

Wood-core-dry-lacquer.       Height 62.4cm.

23. Monju Bosatsu (Manjusri). Fugen Bosatsu (Visvabhadra).

Wood.       Height M 85.7cm. F 83.9cm

24. Nikko Bosatsu (Suryaprabha). Gakko Bosatsu (Candraprabha).

Wood.        Height N 80.3cm. G 77.9cm.

25. Kannon Bosatsu (Avalokitesvara). Seishi Bosatsu (Mahasthamaprapta).

Wood.        Height K 85.7cm. S 86.0cm.

26. Amida Nyorai (Amitabha).

Wood.       Height 88.4cm.                 Sangyoin

27. Twelve Guardian Devas.

Wood.       Height 75.7·86.3cm.        Saiendo

28. Prince Shotoku and Shrine.

Wood.       Height 57.9cm.                 Edono

29. Miroku Bosatsu (Maitreya).

Wood.       Height 71.5cm.

30. Senju Kannon Bosatsu (Sahasrabhuja).

Wood.       Height 173.6cm.

31. Amida Nyorai (Amitabha).

Wood.       Height 34.2cm.                 Yumedono

32. Fugen Enmei (Vajramoghasamayasattva).

Wood.       Height 34.8cm.                 Kondo

33. Shaka Nyorai (Sakyamuni).

Wood.       Height 85.8cm.

34. Miroku Butsu (Maitreya).

Wood.       Height 71.5cm.

35. Amida Nyorai (Amitabha).

Wood.       Height 79.9cm.

36. Tenkuon Nyorai (Divyadundubhimeghanirghosa).

Wood.       Height 80.0cm.

37. Yakushi Nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru).

Wood.       Height 80.4cm.

38. Shaka Nyorai (Sakyamuni).

Wood.       Height 71.8cm.

39. Yakushi Nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru).

Wood.       Height 86.5cm.

40. Four Gordian Kings.

Wood.       Height 194.8·204.0cm.                   Kodo

41. Amida Nyorai (Amitabha).

Wood.       Height 107.8cm.               Edono

42. Sho Kannon Bosatsu (Avalokitesvara).

Wood.       Height 182.1cm.

◎ 43. Priest Gyoshin.

Dry-lacquer.            Height 89.7cm.                 Yumedono

44. Jizo Bosatsu (Ksitigarbha).

Wood.       Height 50.0cm.                 Jizodo

45. Kongo Rikishi (Vajradhara).

Clay.          Height 375.0·378.0cm.

46. Ashuku Nyorai (Aksodhya).

Wood.       Height 87.0cm.

47. Four Gardian Kings.

Wood.       Height 91.9·106.4cm.                    Denpodo

48. Jikoku Ten (Dhrtarastra). Zocho Ten (Virudraka).

Wood.        Height J 94.5cm. Z 93.4cm.           Sangyoin

49. Senju Kannon Bosatsu (Sahasrabhuja).

Wood.       Height 97.6cm.

◎ 50. Clay Statuette Groups in Pagoda, about 30cm.

Goju-no-to (Five Storied Pagoda)

51. Mandorla.

Wood.       Height 111.0cm.

52. Heads of lion.

Wood.       Height 23.6·24.3cm.

53. Masks (for Gigaku. Bugaku. Gyodo Bosatsu).

Wood.       Height 18.5~40.7cm.

54. Canopies.

Wood.        Weidth 240.5~275.0cm.

55. Dadaiko Drums.

Wood.        Height 373.3·381.0cm.

56. Stands of Shoko Gong.

Wood.       Height 92.8·130.3cm.

57. Hexagonal Shrine.

Wood.       Height 134.5cm.

◎ 58. Shaka Nyorai (Sakyamuni) and two Attendants.

Wood.        Height S 227.9cm. A 153.9·155.7cm.          Kaminodo

59. Miroku Bosatsu (Maitreya).

Wood.       Height 97.0cm.

◎ 60. Bishamon Ten (Vaisravana). KisshoTen(Mahasri).

Wood.       Height B 123.2cm. K 116.7cm.                    Kondo

◎ 61. Prince Shotoku and Attendants.

Wood.        Height S 84.2cm. A 52.4~63 9cm.               Shoryoin

62. Sho Kannon Bosatsu (Avalokitesvara).

Wood.       Height 146.3cm.               Yumedono

◎ 63. Lady Tachibana’s Shrine with Amida Triad.

Wood.       Height 268.9cm.

◎ 64. Shrine named Tamamushi-no-zushi.

Wood.       Height 226.6cm.

65. Bronze Bowl.

Bronze.     Height 13.1~22.5cm.


昭和五十三年三月三十一日 発行

日本美術院彫刻等修理記録 IV


